Monday 14 May, 2007


Darkness falls
As the time comes near,
His fate’s gonna be
Sealed forever…

Asked to keep his
Dreams aside,
He has to give up
He has to abide.

There may be a name
And some fame too,
But strumming a guitar
Ain’t the thing to do.

Music is his passion
Its just that plain,
Aren’t they able to see
His pain.

As darkness falls, the
Moon shines bright,
The stars twinkle
And enlighten the night.

The decision’s being taken
As he holds his breath,
Its as if he’s struggling
Between life and death.

If music it is
Then let that be,
Hold the guitar and
Let the world see.

With tears in those eyes
He picks the guitar & tunes his strings,
Ready to fly with
His newly acquired wings.

As his music drifts
Through the air,
A heavenly voice
Is heard out there.

If you have it in you
If it’s in your soul,
No one can ever stop you
From achieving your goal.

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